Company Bank Account Support

We will assist you in opening a business bank account in the UAE.


SEEN will assist you in choosing the best financial institution and account(s) to suit your business needs because to our in-depth market knowledge. 


SEEN’s business establishment consultants in Dubai will guarantee a smooth and trouble-free approach and offer insights on the minimal balances needed.


From gathering the required paperwork and submitting the application to setting up authorized signatories for your preferred bank’s due diligence, we will take care of the whole procedure.


Let Seen guide you through the possibilities of creating your business bank account.
Please be aware that the timeframe for creating an account may change based on the bank and how intricate the company’s structure is

Trust The Process &
Grow Your Business

Public Relations Services in UAE

Seen offers top-tier PRO assistance and document-clearing services that expertly handle all of your government-related tasks and administrative procedures

Business Buy & Sell Brokerage

Our services include business valuation, marketing to potential buyers, negotiation facilitation, and coordinating legal and financial aspects of the transaction.

Emarati Local Sponsor Agents

Establishing a business in the UAE outside of designated free zones necessitates a local Emirati sponsor or partner according to commercial law.

Find the best plan
for your needs

$ 68
Basic Plan
  • Affert volumus legend
  • Mel detracto atomorum ne
  • Eripuit minimum probatus ei
  • Vix ex natum iracundia
$ 268
Premium Plan
  • Affert volumus legend
  • Mel detracto atomorum ne
  • Eripuit minimum probatus ei
  • Vix ex natum iracundia