Ejari Registration & Office Setup
Seen utilizes its real estate expertise and knowledge of the Ejari registration process to streamline office setup

SEEN simplifies office creation by leveraging its real estate experience and understanding of the Ejari registration procedure. On a monthly or annual basis, we search appropriate office spaces or commercial premises that satisfy the unique demands of businesses, taking into account elements like location, size, amenities, leasing periods, furnishing alternatives, and legal requirements.

Ejari services offer residents of Dubai a platform that is governed by the government and offers transparent and legally compliant rental agreements. Put your trust in Seen to assist you in creating the ideal workspace for your business.

Our services include searching for properties, negotiating leasing agreements, doing due diligence, completing contracts, and adhering to local laws and licensing requirements. Businesses can obtain office spaces in a flourishing business environment that meet their operational needs with our help.

Let Seen guide you through the possibilities of registration and office setup.
If you’re looking to register in Dubai mainland, SEEN is your destination.

Trust The Process &
Grow Your Business
Public Relations Services in UAE
Seen offers top-tier PRO assistance and document-clearing services that expertly handle all of your government-related tasks and administrative procedures
Business Buy & Sell Brokerage
Our services include business valuation, marketing to potential buyers, negotiation facilitation, and coordinating legal and financial aspects of the transaction.
Emarati Local Sponsor Agents
Establishing a business in the UAE outside of designated free zones necessitates a local Emirati sponsor or partner according to commercial law.
Find the best plan
for your needs
Basic Plan
- Affert volumus legend
- Mel detracto atomorum ne
- Eripuit minimum probatus ei
- Vix ex natum iracundia
Standard Plan
- Affert volumus legend
- Mel detracto atomorum ne
- Eripuit minimum probatus ei
- Vix ex natum iracundia
Premium Plan
- Affert volumus legend
- Mel detracto atomorum ne
- Eripuit minimum probatus ei
- Vix ex natum iracundia