Public Relations Services in UAE
Seen utilizes its real estate expertise and knowledge of the Ejari registration process to streamline office setup

SEEN provides skilled document-clearing services and top-notch PRO help to manage all of your government-related administrative procedures and chores. We handle all aspects of regulatory compliance, including processing visas, document attestation, labor and immigration approvals, and
license and permit renewals.

We take great satisfaction in lessening your administrative load and skillfully assisting you in navigating the UAE’s intricate bureaucracy and regulatory environment.

Our only goal is to make sure that your company’s activities run smoothly and in full compliance with all UAE legal standards.

With our PRO services, you can confidently concentrate on your main business while we handle all legal and regulatory obligations from the government.

Trust The Process &
Grow Your Business
Government Relations Services
At Seen, our team of government liaison specialists will ensure that your business runs smoothly.
Business Buy & Sell Brokerage
Our services include business valuation, marketing to potential buyers, negotiation facilitation, and coordinating legal and financial aspects of the transaction.
Emarati Local Sponsor Agents
Establishing a business in the UAE outside of designated free zones necessitates a local Emirati sponsor or partner according to commercial law.
Find the best plan
for your needs
Basic Plan
- Affert volumus legend
- Mel detracto atomorum ne
- Eripuit minimum probatus ei
- Vix ex natum iracundia
Standard Plan
- Affert volumus legend
- Mel detracto atomorum ne
- Eripuit minimum probatus ei
- Vix ex natum iracundia
Premium Plan
- Affert volumus legend
- Mel detracto atomorum ne
- Eripuit minimum probatus ei
- Vix ex natum iracundia